
The Ipcress File Funeral in Berlin Billion Dollar Brain Bullet to Beijing Midnight in St Petersburg



Bullet to Beijing (1995)


Directed by George Mihalka
Written by Harry Alan Towers
Harry Palmer Michael Caine
Carruthers Shaughan Seymour
Nick Jason Connery
Professor Kulbitsky Anatoly Kulbitsky
Jean Sue Lloyd
Natasha Mia Sara
Alex Michael Gambon
Louis John Dunn-Hill
Craig Michael Sarrazin
General Gradzky Lev Prygunov
Andrei Ingolf Gorges
Music by Rick Wakeman
Produced by Andre Dunning

John Goloutva

Alexander Link

For full cast and crew information: IMDB complete cast and crew information

Length: Canadian dvd version 122 min. / VHS/European dvd version 100/101 min.

Trailer of Bullet to Beijing

Alternative trailer



USA, Canadian, French-Canadian, Japanese, Italian, UK, Polish, Portuguese, Hungarian and Argentinian videocovers

DVD covers


Canadian,South African,Danish, Finnish,Greek, Spanish, UK dvd box, Greek, Australian, Polish, Hungarian, Italian, German dvdcovers

DVD (Canadian)

  • 122 minutes
  • Scene selection
  • Layers: Single
  • Audio Tracks: English and French
  • Ratios: Fullframe 1.33:1
  • Canada release 2000, US release date 25 June 2001

Scandinavian/European dvd's also include a trailer.

Re-release Bullet to Beijing and Midnight in St.Petersburg

Although not the best Harry Palmer movies around, it is a great (cheap) way to catch up with the 90ies Palmers' Bullet to Beijing' and 'Midnight in St. Petersburg', all in one package. They used the Scandinavian design for the box. Retailprice around UKP 15.

Release date: 20 April 2009

Region: 2


Deleted scenes on European (region 2) dvd. This scene can only be found on the Canadian dvd. See clip.



Read pressarticles about Bullet To Beijing click here




The producer and writer of Bullet to Beijing and Midnight in St. Petersburg, Harry Alan Towers (ps Peter Welbeck)  has passed away. He was 88. He was a legendary British producer of low-budget B movies and he had a long career in the film business. He was working on his autobiography when he died. In this clip is a very short fragmnt in which he talks about Bullet to Beijing and Midnight to St. Petersburg.


http://www.timesonline.co.uk/Harry Alan Towers/
(tip: Brian Smith)


In Japan this Bullet to Beijing phonecard was released ->


For trivia and other strange stuff about Bullet to Beijing go to the Trivia page !

Links to sites about Bullet to Beijing:

The allmovie.com site Info about plot and cast

Steve Rhodes review Bullet to Beijing gets only 1 star...

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