The Ipcress File Funeral in Berlin Billion Dollar Brain Bullet to Beijing Midnight in St Petersburg



Harry Palmer on YouTube


TV spot for The Ipcress File

This TV commercial (20 seconds) for The Ipcress File is in black and white, not a lot of colour TV's of course in 1965... Thanks again to for the transfer!

Trailer The Ipcress File (short)

Trailer The Ipcress File (long)

Trailers Funeral in Berlin

Rare black & white trailer USA

Featurette Funeral in Berlin 'Man at the Wall'

I found this very rare featurette about Funeral in Berlin, called 'Man At The Wall'. The original film was in very bad shape, the first seconds couldn't be played and the whole transfer was a bit red. Thanks to (specialist on 16mm to dvd transfers) the start of the featurette has now been restored and the red colour has been filtered out. This is a short but very interesting 'making of ' documentary of Funeral in Berlin, never seen before as far as I know. This digital transfer is 5.48 minutes long. This is the most special item on the site at the moment... Enjoy!

Missing 32 seconds on Billion Dollar Brain dvd

When you click on the right you can the see the 'famous' 32 seconds that have been cut from the European and USA dvd-releases. On the dvd the scene was cut from the moment where Harry enters the red wooden house and continues just after the Beatles song stops (the reason of cutting in the first place). As you will see this part of 32 seconds doesn't interfere with the story but just to make your idea of the original movie complete, here it is!

'Caine Below Zero' - 'making of' documentary of Billion Dollar Brain!

Check out this very rare1967 making of documentary about Billion Dollar Brain. The featurette has been transferred in black&white unfortunately, because the original 16 mm film had become too red to make good viewing.

Trailer Billion Dollar Brain

TV spot for Billion Dollar Brain

Trailer Bullet to Beijing

Alternative trailer

Missing scenes Bullet to Beijing

Difference European - Canadian Bullet to Beijing dvdversion

Trailer Midnight in St.Petersburg

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