Funeral in Berlin

Filming on the Kurfurstendamm in Berlin
in front of hotel Am Zoo; Guy Hamilton, the director, is watching
behind the cameraman

Preparing the car and camera "for the
ride with Johnny Vulcan (Paul Hubschmid) from the airport"

Harry Palmer arrives in Berlin. Guy
Hamilton (dir.) is checking from behind the camera

Another photo in between takes taken at
Tempelhof airport.

Very rare photo of the complete set at
Tempelhof Airport in Berlin. Dick Schall took this photo from his
officewindow. Michael Caine is sitting on the right side of the car.
Paul Hubschmid is talking to Guy Hamilton, both are standing left of
the car. Notice the chairs for the actors on the left. The stills
photographer is standing left of the van.
Thanks to Dick Schall, USA.

Filming the openingsequence where the
violinist flees to West-Berlin (1)

Filming the opening sequence where the
violinist flees to West-Berlin (2)

Preparation for shooting the scene on
top of the building where Kreuzman meets Harry.

A relaxed moment between takes
near the Berlin Wall. Charles Kasher (exec. producer), Eva Renzi
(Samantha Steel), Len Deighton (author), Michael Caine and Paul
Hubschmid (Johnny Vulkan).

Another relaxed moment on the set

Michael Caine before another take

Eva Renzi was not scheduled to play in
Funeral In Berlin. The part of Samantha Steel had been assigned to
Anjanette Comer, but due to illness she couldn't continue. Some
scenes have been shot apparently with Anjanette. See this very rare
publicity still.
Behind the scenes shots of filming on the 'Swinemünder Brücke', located
in Berlin-Wedding, near the
S-trainstation 'Gesundbrunnen'.

Photos taken by Bob Milnes for S&S. Read
this article
here for more info.
(Thanks to Brian Smith)

Michel Caine having a short break with
Guy Hamilton, director. (thanks to Peter Hegenbarth)
Behind the scenes of
The Ipcress File
Click here
Behind the scenes of
Billion Dollar Brain
Click here
More ''behind the
scenes'' details you can find on the
trivia-page !